June 23rd a day in history

23rd of June, a day in history, the man, the myth, the legend, Sten Sture Johnson aka ”Uncle sten” was born on this day, he is responsible for my notorious staring up in the sky. – Come here and see Venus! I heard him drowsily one night in late 70s. I was woken up at my cousins home at Bjursätragatan in Rågsved, Stockholm it was time for stargazing, .. We looked after UFOs too but we didn´t see any… One summer evening in Kalmar he taught me the basics of chemistry as well, or at least how ethanol looked in the structural formula, he called it the ”tipsy dog”. Rest in peace!

Other famous people who was born on this day are Alan Turing, the man who developed the Turing Test. Keve Hjelm, Swedish actor, June Carter Cash, Ola Ullsten, Liberal party and Swedish Prime minister 78-79. Some people have chosen to die on this day too, Zarah Leander, Colombo aka Peter Falk , And the Swedish nuclear physicist and ”climate debater.” Tor Ragnar Gerholm, he made himself unpopular amongst climatologists and for his criticism of the IPCC
So, now all royalists! Six months to go until the Swedish Queen’s Birthday remember to save some tax money for her one way ticket. My suggestion,… To Argentina ..

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